React.js Interview Questions: Essential Concepts (2025 Guide) πŸš€

React.js Interview Questions: Essential Concepts (2025 Guide) πŸš€


5 min read


Are you preparing for a React.js interview? You're in the right place! This comprehensive guide covers 15 crucial React concepts you need to know, complete with code examples and practical explanations.

Table of Contents

  1. React.js Fundamentals

  2. State and Props

  3. React Hooks

  4. Component Lifecycle

  5. Context API

  6. React Router

  7. Virtual DOM

  8. React Fragments

  9. Higher-Order Components

  10. useCallback Hook

  11. Error Boundaries

  12. useReducer Hook

  13. React Portals

  14. Strict Mode

  15. Code Splitting with Suspense

React.js Fundamentals

Q1: What is React.js and what are its key features? πŸ€”

React.js is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. Here's what makes it special:

Key Features:

  1. Virtual DOM πŸ”„
// React handles DOM updates efficiently
const element = <h1>Hello, React!</h1>;
  1. Component-Based Architecture πŸ—οΈ
// Function Component
function Welcome(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

// Class Component
class Welcome extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;

State and Props

Q2: What's the difference between state and props? πŸ€”

Understanding the distinction is crucial for React development:

Props Example:

// Parent Component
function Parent() {
  return <Child name="John" age={25} />;

// Child Component
function Child(props) {
  return (
    <div className="user-card">
      <p>Name: {}</p>
      <p>Age: {props.age}</p>

React Hooks

Q3: What are React Hooks? Explain the most commonly used hooks. 🎣

Hooks revolutionized how we write React components. Here are the essentials:

// useState Example
function NameInput() {
  const [name, setName] = useState('');

  return (
      onChange={(e) => setName(}

// useEffect Example
function UserProfile({ userId }) {
  const [user, setUser] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    fetchUser(userId).then(data => setUser(data));
  }, [userId]);

  return user ? <div>{}</div> : <div>Loading...</div>;

Component Lifecycle

Q4: Explain the React Component Lifecycle methods. βš™οΈ

Modern React offers two approaches to lifecycle management:

Class Components:

class LifecycleComponent extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    console.log('Component mounted');

  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if ( !== {
      console.log('Props changed');

  componentWillUnmount() {
    console.log('Component will unmount');

Context API

Q5: What is the Context API and when should you use it? 🌍

Context provides a way to share values between components without prop drilling:

const ThemeContext = React.createContext('light');

function App() {
  const [theme, setTheme] = useState('light');

  return (
    <ThemeContext.Provider value={theme}>
      <ThemedButton />

React Router

Q6: What is React Router and how does it work? πŸ›£οΈ

import { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, Link } from 'react-router-dom';

function App() {
  return (
        <Link to="/">Home</Link>
        <Link to="/about">About</Link>

        <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
        <Route path="/about" component={About} />

Virtual DOM

Q7: How does React's Virtual DOM improve performance? πŸš€

function Counter() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
      <h1>Count: {count}</h1>
      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>

React Fragments

Q8: What are React Fragments and why do we need them? 🧩

// Better way using Fragments
function ListItems() {
  return (
      <li>Item 1</li>
      <li>Item 2</li>

Higher-Order Components

Q9: What are Higher-Order Components (HOC)? πŸ”„

function withAuth(WrappedComponent) {
  return function WithAuthComponent(props) {
    const [isAuthenticated] = useState(true);

    if (!isAuthenticated) {
      return <Navigate to="/login" />;

    return <WrappedComponent {...props} />;

useCallback Hook

Q10: When and why should you use useCallback? 🎣

function ParentComponent() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  const memoizedCallback = useCallback(() => {
  }, [count]);

  return <ChildComponent onClick={memoizedCallback} />;

Error Boundaries

Q11: How do Error Boundaries work in React? πŸ›‘οΈ

class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  state = { hasError: false };

  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    return { hasError: true };

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      return <h1>Something went wrong</h1>;
    return this.props.children;

useReducer Hook

Q12: When would you use useReducer over useState? πŸ“Š

const initialState = { count: 0 };

function reducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment':
      return { count: state.count + 1 };
      return state;

function Counter() {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
  return (
    <button onClick={() => dispatch({ type: 'increment' })}>
      Count: {state.count}

React Portals

Q13: What are React Portals and when would you use them? πŸšͺ

function Modal({ children }) {
  return ReactDOM.createPortal(
    <div className="modal">

Strict Mode

Q14: What benefits does React's Strict Mode provide? πŸ”

function App() {
  return (
        <Header />
        <Main />
        <Footer />

Code Splitting

Q15: How does Suspense enable better code splitting? πŸ“¦

const LazyComponent = lazy(() => import('./LazyComponent'));

function App() {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<Loading />}>
      <LazyComponent />

Wrap Up πŸŽ‰

Congratulations! You've covered the most important React concepts for your interview. Remember:

  • Focus on understanding the concepts deeply

  • Practice implementing these patterns

  • Think about real-world use cases

  • Be ready to explain your reasoning

Interview Tips πŸ’‘

  1. Start with simple explanations, then dive deeper

  2. Use practical examples from your experience

  3. Discuss trade-offs and best practices

  4. Show enthusiasm for learning and problem-solving

What's Next?

Stay tuned for next Part, where we'll cover:

  • Performance optimization techniques

  • Testing strategies

  • Advanced state management

  • Server-side rendering

  • And much more!

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Tags: #React #JavaScript #WebDevelopment #Programming #TechnicalInterview #ReactJS #FrontEnd #Coding #Interview #WebDev

  • Performance optimization

  • Testing strategies

  • State management patterns

  • And much more!

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